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East Altadena Little League


East Altadena Little League offers several different baseball programs. Players are assigned to divisions and teams based on age, experience, capabilities, coaching capacity, and safety considerations. The Skills Assessment day occurs in December.

Age refers to the player's age on August 31 as determined by Little League.

Tee Ball

Tee Ball is the most common entry point to Little League baseball. Designed for ages 4 through 6, Tee Ball teaches kids the basic structure of baseball, and is all about having fun, not competition. Practices are one hour on a weekday combined with all of EALL's Tee Ball teams, and games are almost always on Saturday mornings for one hour. Batting is done off of a tee, but later in the season players may begin to see live pitching from their coach.  No score is kept, and rosters are kept to just eight players so that everyone gets lots of playing time.

Minors Farm (A)

Minors Farm is for players ages 6 through 7 who have played in Tee Ball previously, or new players aged 8 years old.  Farm is coach-pitch, and is the next step up from Tee Ball.  This is where we start using catchers and focus on individual player skills.  Toward the end of the season kids may start to practice pitching and outs may be recorded.

Minors AA

AA Minors is for players ages 7 through 9, and is a modified player-pitch program. In modified player-pitch, players will pitch up to four balls, then the coach will take over to finish the batter. This is where our pitchers are developed in a stress-free environment. In AA we start to focus on team plays and basic strategy, while still supporting individual player skills. Players rotate through different defensive positions to broaden skills development.

Minors AAA

AAA Minors is for players ages 9 through 11, and is full player-pitch. At this level players learn a lot more strategy and work on their decision-making skills during games. Coaches may begin to assign defensive positions based on players' abilities to best benefit the team's chances of winning. Some players will get more on-field playing time than others based on skill level.


Majors is full Little League baseball and is for players ages 11 through 12. Players 12 years old must play in Majors. This division is not recommended for beginners. Most of the games will be inter-league competition.


Juniors is for players aged 13 and 14 who have graduated from Majors, and wish to continue their baseball career into high school baseball.  This is a very competitive division, and is only open to players who've had a few years of baseball experience.


The Challengers division is an adaptive baseball program for individuals with physical and intellectual challenges. The program accommodates players ages 4 to 18; or up to age 22 if still enrolled in school.


East Altadena Little League offers opportunities to play baseball and develop skills year-round.


The Spring season runs from February to May and is the primary focus of the league. Tournaments may extend the season into June and July.

Fall Ball

From September to November, EALL offers a more casual program of Fall Ball. There are fewer practices and obligations, no tournaments and less formality in general. Minor league divisions (approx. ages 7-10) play games on Sundays so that players can also participate in youth soccer. Fall Ball is a great opportunity to keep skills fresh and players active and ready for the Spring season.

Winter and Summer Training

In off months, EALL offers professional coaching clinics for to focus on skills development. EALL may also run teams to participate in other leagues' summer ball programs or tournaments.

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